By Habitat: Grass

Click the images below to learn more about common urban mushroom species found in grass.

A arvensis

Agaricus arvensis
Horse Mushroom

Agaricus bernardi
No common name

A bitorquis

Agaricus bitorquis
Urban Mushroom

A campestris

Agaricus campestris
Meadow Mushroom, Pink Bottom

Agaricus xanthodermus
Yellow Foot Agaricus

Agrocybe pediades group
Common agrocybe

Agrocybe praecox

Agrocybe praecox group
Spring agrocybe

Bolbitius titubans
Yellow Bolbitius

Calvatia booniana

Calvatia booniana
Western Giant Puffball


Chlorophyllum molybdites
Vomiter or Green-spored Parasol

Chlorophyllum rachodes
Shaggy parasol

Conocybe lactea
White Dunce Cap

Conocybe tenera
Brown Cone Head

C atramentaria

Coprinopsis atramentaria
Alcohol Inky Cap or Tippler’s Bane

Coprinus comatus
Shaggy Mane or Lawyer’s Wig

Endoptychum agaricoides
Puffball Agaric

Helvella lacunosa
Black Elfin Saddle

Lacrymaria velutina
Fibrous Psathyrella

Lycoperdon perlatum
Gem-stuffed Puffball

Lysurus cruciatus
Lizard's Claw

Marasmius oreades
Fairy Ring Mushroom

Morchella esculenta
Yellow Morel

Mutinus caninus

Mutinus caninus
Dog Stinkhorn

Panaeolus foenisecii
Haymower's Mushroom

P subalteatus

Panaeolus subalteatus
Belted Panaeolus

Parasola plicatilis
Japanese Parasol

Psathyrella candoleana

Psathyrella candolleana
Common Psathyrella

Psilocybe coprophila
Meadow Muffin Mushroom

Scleroderma citrinum
Common Earthball

Stropharia coronilla
Garland Stropharia


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