Coprinus comatusShaggy Mane or Lawyer’s Wig Order Agaricales, family Agaricaceae CAP CYLINDRICAL, ELONGATED, WITH SHAGGY SCALES Cap: 4-15 cm tall, 3-5 cm wide; cylindrical, then cap edge curls up as gills liquefy; dry, white with shaggy white to light reddish-brown scales GILLS BECOME BLACK AND INKY Gills: free or nearly so; very close, narrow; white, then pinkish-red, then black and inky STALK WITH MOVABLE RING Stalk: 5-20 cm long, 1-2 cm thick; slender, fragile; smooth; white Ring: on lower stalk, movable SPORE PRINT BLACK Spores 10-14 x 5.5-8 µm, elliptical, smooth, apical pore ON LAWNS, ROADSIDES, OFTEN IN LARGE GROUPS EDIBLE, CHOICE WHEN YOUNG Lookalikes: Vomiter (Chlorophyllum molybdides) -- lookalike when young but expands in age (C. comataus remains cylindrical) and has greenish spore print Shaggy parasol (Lepiota rachodes) -- white spore print, expands instead of remaining cylindrical Coprinopsis atramentaria – smooth brown-gray caps with radial lines
Although Coprinus tend to lose their shape when cooked, it is cooking that brings up the exquisite flavor of the edible species. Always choose clean specimens when spores are still light. On the larger C. comatus, you can cut away the ripening spores, but cook all Coprinus as soon as possible -- This is one mushroom that cannot be stored raw for more than a few hours. I generally make duxelles from any edible Coprinus I find as soon as I get home with them and freeze them it in pint containers. The following soup recipe is an elegant companion to cucumber sandwiches, veal or fowl dishes. Cream of Lawyer's Wig Soup (shaggy mane) 2 T butter In a large saucepan, lightly saute the celery in the butter/oil. Add the duxelles and mushroom powder. There should be liquid released from the thawed duxelles as it heats. Over medium heat, reduce the liquid by half then stir in the flour to make a roux. Add the stock and spices. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, process in a blender, return to the stove, and add the sherry and half and half. Reheat over medium flame, stirring constantly. Do not let it boil. Serves 4 as a side dish.
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