Clitocybe irina(Also known as Lepista irina) False Blewit Order Agaricales, family Tricholomataceae
CAP WHITE TO TAN; STICKY; BROAD CENTRAL KNOB Cap: 4-13 cm wide; convex; cottony margin inrolled at first whitish to dingy buff; sticky but soon dry GILLS WHITISH; CROWDED Gills: attached; crowded; narrow; white becoming pale pinkish STALK GRAYISH WITH NO RING Stalk: 2-5 cm long; 1-2.5 cm thick; grayish to buff, no ring SPORE PRINT PALE BUFF Spores7-10 x 4-5 µm, long elliptical, minutely roughened, thin walled UNDER TREES, BUSHES, IN DUFF EDIBLE Lookalikes: Blewit (Clitocybe nuda) -- bluish, purple color, inrolled cap edge
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